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In-align has been a personal journey of discovering tools to support resilience, in the face of life’s every-day challenges.

No matter what our back-grounds or life experience we are affected by stress and trauma.  Some individuals are able to stay calm, centred and living a joy-filled life no matter the challenges faced. In our current society the ability to stay resilient and bounce back despite experiencing adversity is akin to the alchemists search for gold! 

This search has been both a personal and professional inquiry into what works to prevent professional and personal burnout when working in highly stressful and traumatic fields,  living with life's everyday challenges in a world in which ecological degradation, social injustices and on going war and conflict exist.  

In-Align,  has been established to be of service to organisations and the individuals working within them  who are living with stress and trauma on a day to day basis to find the right configuration of practices that are effective and empowering.


The approach under-taken to develop resilience  offers embodied practices combined with cutting edge coaching techniques and neuro-science to support a re-calibration of the mind, body system. The tools offered are: TRE (Tension Stress and Trauma Release); Chi Kung; and Quantum Energetic Coaching.  

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Mind and Body Resilience For Those Who Care

Shake Away Your Stress

Change your Limiting Beliefs and Unlock your Potential

The Ancient Chinese Secret to Health and Longevity

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Following a long treatment for a diagnosis of advanced cancer I had tried all types of therapeutic treatments both in body and mind to manage the trauma of facing a life threatening diagnosis.

Anita introduced me to TRE and I can honestly say it touched on a place that no other treatment had. 

The trauma of the experience that had been held deep within in my body finally found its release. It is hard to describe the experience but all I can say is that it works! I slept better, felt better and my healing has continued to shake itself free. 

I thoroughly recommend it.



Claudia - Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist

"Anita, your ability to create a safe and sensitive environment to respectfully support each individual through the TRE work is a wonderful ability. Thank-you for the gift of empowering me with the tools to self heal."

TRE Closed Group Client

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90, Blois Road, Lewes, BN7 2TS

0787 565 1303

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